This magazine arises from the creative block that I suffered during the first semester of my final year. It is a graphic representation of one of the nightmares I had during this period.
The entire zine reflects the creative blockage from my own perspective. In this case, it will be a dream in which unconscious anxiety will take the character on a vertiginous journey until He connects with his creative soul.
During the dream stage, the soul detaches from the tangible body to enter the path guided by the creative soul, represented by the figure of the butterfly.
During my creative blocking, this song was the one that made me calm and made everything stop. Also was the one that accompanied me on repeat during the entire final process.
All artworks in the magazine were made by listening to this song and only this one. the state of trance in which its harmonies and melodies transported me allowed me to get to reflect the intangible feeling that i wanted to reflect